Paul Kahlert, All Purpose Transport - Leading the nation in workforce development for the transport industry
Episode description (32 mins)
Struggling with how to attract and retain staff? This episide actually has some solutions! We talk to Paul Kahlert, the CEO of All Purpose Transport, a Berrinba company that has been around for 48 years. And with a rapidly ageing workforce, that’s also the average age of their truck drivers. So how exactly do you attract enough 'new blood' to support business growth of 8% per year, in a decidedly unglamorous industry? Paul discusses the revolutionary and award-winning workforce development initiative that APT implemented 11 years ago - still running today - that has made them the most qualified transport workforce in Australia and an ‘employer of choice’ along the way. We also cover workforce diversity and why it matters, catering for mums returning to the workforce, why they set set up a 'McDonalds-like' after school work program, their Net Zero strategies and more.

About Paul
Paul Kahlert is the CEO of All Purpose Transport (APT). He has been in a senior leadership position since 2002 and with APT since 1988. Based in Berrinba (Logan) APT employs close to 400 people including 290 owner drivers and has many blue-chip customers including IKEA, Cotton On, Castrol and Rheem. APT has operated in the Queensland market for over 48 years.
Paul has held long-term memberships with the SCLAA / CILTA and is a board member and President of the Queensland Trucking Association.